ArithmeTick (Windows)

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Super Multiplication Table Quest

Super Multiplication Table Quest

Super Multiplication Table Quest Multiplication is a challenging concept for many students to learn. However, there are several ways to make this skill fun for elementary school kids. These free multiplication games will help them memorize key math facts while having a blast! Multiplying is the most basic of all mathematical operations. To perform a multiplication, all that is needed is the product of two numbers multiplied by each other. Multiplication is a great tool to use when teaching children how to write the numbers and understand their order. To multiply any number, start by focusing on the first digit of the answer (the tens digit). Once that is done, reduce the number by 1 to find out what the units digit is. Then, add the tens and units digits together to form the answer. For example, 9 x 4 is 36. Multiplying 11’s is a little more difficult. The trick is to think of this number as being doubled: 3 x 11 is 33. 4 x 11 is 44. Multiplying double digit numbers is easy when you know this trick. This is a fun way for students to explore the multiplication table from a different point of view. By examining the table from this perspective, students can see the patterns in the table as well as observe the symmetry that results from the fact that each number in the table appears twice, once as a single factor and once as the product of two smaller numbers. This task also provides an opportunity for students to engage in MP7, Look for and Make Use of Structure.